Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hey everyone,
Since our last post we have installed a door to our bike collective shack on the cheap! It had too be done... no more stolen bikes!!!! We are continuing with Sunday as our collective meeting/work day. This seems to be working out fine, thanks to our awesome member Phillip. Thanks Phillip. He and I will be alternating work days. We are always in need of more volunteer. With a good size COLLECTIVE the regular operating of this endeavor is no sweat. Please email me at to volunteer. Also our community bike project is still operating smoothly with only one unfortunate event...(((( Vincent Eugene: Last seen 07/17/09 with a Sun Cruiser, black )))). If you want to go for a ride or need to borrow a bike for short period of time, make an appointment to pick up a bike ( Its free, its fun, be safe! hahaha

We are always in need of good/ usable tools and parts.
*inner tubes
*cables/ houseing
We always welcome new volunteers.

For community bike info contact

We also take suggestions. This is a community project, let us know how we can better make connections, or how you would like to be involved.

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