Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bike colective meeting update

We are keeping the Thursday as our meeting date. This week Thursday the 11th, we need everyone who can come out to help rebuild our roof. We are going to make a wooden roof, so we'll need as many hands as we could get. The Thursday of the 18th we will have a wheel truing workshop that to a very kind donation! Also we set a date for the bike collective fundraiser----> Friday July 3rd. If you know of any bands that might want to play, please let us know so we could get in contact with them.

* June 11- roof repair day
* June 15- Bike master plan summit! 6-8pm Jose Marti Park ((( Link below)))
* June 18- Wheel truing workshop
* Bike collective fundraiser Date TBA- most likely in early July

we look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you guys at our next meeting.


wanderputz said...

is the fund raiser still on for the 3rd of july?


The date got changed to the 31st of July. This way we would have more time to promote and get bands.

Wild Nature said...

Hey guys,

I write for a blog called "Youth Noise" which is all about sports for social change. I would like to do a post about the bike collective.

email me: debbie@youthnoise.org

view it here: